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Contact Torrey Young:

Torrey Young is an independent Consulting Arborist, providing services as a Registered Consulting Arborist® and the Owner/Manager of Dryad, LLC. Torrey has a broad range of experience and expertise in the evaluation and management of trees and landscapes, having practiced and performed leadership roles in the field since 1972.

Torrey provides services in and around the greater San Francisco Bay Area, California and the western states, including Pleasanton, Danville, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco and the Peninsula, Santa Clara and Marin counties and Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.

For more information, please contact Torrey Young

  • Office (toll-free): 877-206-4001
  • Office (local): 510-538-6000
  • Fax: 510-538-6001

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Dryad, LLC | San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Serving the greater San Francisco Bay Area, California and the western states, including Pleasanton, Danville, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco and the Peninsula, Santa Clara and Marin counties and Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.